The arrival of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 marked the beginning of an era of Spanish interest and eventual dominance. Manila emerged as the Asian hub of the Manila–Acapulco galleon fleet. Missionary work led to widespread Christianity. As the 19th century gave way to the 20th, there followed in quick succession the short-lived Philippine Revolution, the Spanish-American War, and the Philippine-American War. In the aftermath, the United States replaced Spain as the dominant power. Aside from the period of Japanese occupation, the United States retained sovereignty over the islands until the end of World War II when the Philippines gained independence. The United States bequeathed to the Philippines the English language and a stronger affinity for Western culture. Since independence the Philippines has had an often tumultuous experience with democracy, with popular "People Power" movements overthrowing a dictatorship in one instance but also underlining the institutional weaknesses of its constitutional republic in others. (Wikipedia)
With such a strong relationship with the United States in history the Ibama Twins wanted to go and visit the islands and see what's what.
When Max went home he discussed the church with Rex. Rex said, "Max don't you remember the same church in Forest Hills, NY, when we were there last?" How we were puzzled until we looked it up on the Internet and found out it is a church of the Philippines which has moved to the United States as well with churches all over the U.S.
And here it is...
And here it is...

Fascinating facts and figures and that part about the church is just wonderful :) Boy the twins sure are an educational duo :)